A versatile flavour & fragrance enhancer. |
DISTRIBUTIONBuchu is endemic to the mountains of the Western Cape Province, South Africa, ranging from Clanwilliam in the north, to Worcester/Somerset West in the south. EXTRACTIONBy steam distillation of stems and leaves the oil is produced from cultivated plantations. DESCRIPTION OF THE OILThe oil of A. betulina is golden in colour, with a strong-sweetish, mint like odour and a so called catty note. A. crenulata is MAIN CHEMICAL COMPONENTSA. betulina: limonene, menthone, isomenthone, diosphenol, mercapto-menthane FLAVOURSBuchu betulina is mainly used by the flavour industry to enhance fruit flavours, particularly for enhancing black currant. Taste: Minty camphoraceous, sweet berry, catty, tropical guava, apricot and peach, green herbal nuances. Possible Applications: Peach, mint, berry, raspberry, grapefruit, apricot, strawberry, mango, guava, herbal nuances. FRAGRANCEBuchu crenulata oil is largely used in fragrances for the creation of colognes, and chypre bases, and for fruity notes. Odour: Sulfurous, green, minty, cooling camphoraceous, sweet, fruity, dirty, berry, musty, catty, with vegetative and fruity nuances of peach and apricot. PHARMACEUTICALSBuchu has been categorised as a urinary tract antiseptic and diuretic. TRADITIONAL USESThe indigenous Southern African people traditionally used buchu as an infusion for stomach complaints, or powdered and mixed with sheep fat, for anointing their bodies. Buchu leaf is still a widely used household medicine in South Africa, usually as a tea, a brandy tincture (buchu brandy), or as vinegar. AROMATHERAPYPROPERTIES: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, carminative, disinfectant, diuretic, stimulant, tonic. USES: For arthritis, cellulite, cystitis, diarrhoea, flatulence, kidney infections, nausea, rheumatism, urinary tract infections, wounds. CONTRA-INDICATIONS: Can cause over stimulation of the kidneys; use with caution. Not recommended for pregnant woman. BLENDS: Cedarwood, frankincense, ginger, jasmine lavender, lemon, neroli, orange, palmarosa, patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood, ylang-ylang. GENERAL USES: Physical: Buchu is said to have an antiseptic action on the urinary system and is beneficial for treatment of inflammation of the urethra, cystitis and mild prostatitis, as well as other bladder problems. It is a useful diuretic, possibly aiding conditions such as rheumatism and arthritis, helping the body remove excess toxins and fluid. It is used to reduce the inflammation of painful joints, especially sprains (compress). |